Alien Lamp Brings the Alien Abductions Into Your Bedroom

alien abduction lamp Alien Lamp Brings the Alien Abductions Into Your Bedroom

The Alien Abduction Lamp is another proof that the cult of UFO believers still exist amongst us. Most have refuted the idea of the possibility of alien vehicles ever visiting our lonely planet. UFO enthusiasts’ beliefs could be true or untrue, but we all have the secret wish to watch an alien warship land in our backyards.

If you are one such person, you would love this lamp which is inspired by the countless tales of sleeping humans and cattle being abducted for weird and bizarre experiments conducted by aliens. The Alien Abduction Lamp comes in two versions, one with a cow and the other without a cow. You can use the antenna on the top to switch the light on or off.

Kids and kids at heart would love this funny lamp which not only brightens the room but also user’s imagination with imagined alien abductions. The lamp is still in a prototype stage and its price or availability is not known. I would say, I shall definitely wait for this cool gadget to arrive in the market and get one for myself. If you were looking for a lamp that looked just as alien as this, you could try the Mood Lamp too.

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